herbal teas, lattes & Spices

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Like Hippocrates, I wholeheartedly believe in the power of food and herbs for healing and support. Food, herbs and spices have been used medicinally (both topically and internally) for centuries in many cultures around the world to not only heal certain ailments, but also as a preventative measure. Prevention is better than cure, right?!

Not only are herbs and spices wonderfully medicinal, they can take your culinary dishes to the next level! And who doesn’t love food?!

I created a range of teas, lattes and spice blends that I love using myself to share at local markets and now offer these online. They are each handcrafted with organic* ingredients and contain no additives, fillers or preservatives. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

* Due to seasonal restrictions, there may be times when some organic ingredients are not available, however spray free alternatives are used.

  • Herbal Teas.

    A handcrafted range of teas combining carefully selected herbs, leaves and flowers that not only taste lovely, but offer many health benefits to body, mind and soul.

  • Lattes.

    A delicious range of latte blends that boost your traditional hot chocolate or turmeric latte with adaptogenic herbs & spices. Add a few extra ingredients like coconut or MCT oil, ghee, collagen or gelatin and you have a powerful & nourishing drink that will keep you going.

  • Salt & Spice Blends.

    A range of salts and spice blends that contain nothing but pure, organic ingredients. No fillers, flavours or preservatives.