Chocolate Bliss Balls.JPG

Chocolate Bliss Balls

These yummy little treats are the perfect afternoon treat or lunchbox snack. They are simple to throw together and a delicious way to get a good dose of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, antioxidants, fibre, calcium and more!.

Most store bought chocolate contains heavily refined ingredients such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, preservatives, colours, flavours, powdered milk solids, protein isolates, soy, lecithin, refined sugar and very little real chocolate?

These treats are made with absolutely zero refined, artificial ingredients and only use whole foods such as Changing Habits Cacao Melts, Coconut Oil, Dates and Seaweed Salt, Wyld Organics Dessicated Coconut and Cashews, so you can relax knowing that your little ones are being nourished rather than overloaded with fake crap that leaves them in a sugar slump in the afternoon.


What You Need.

  • 250g cashews

  • 150g coconut

  • 150g dates

  • 70g cacao melts

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • Pinch seaweed salt

What To Do.

  1. Add all ingredients to your Thermomix bowl or food processor and blitz on speed 9 or high until the mixture forms a ball and sticks together when pressed.

  2. Roll into balls and cover in coconut, or press into a lined baking tray, then place into the fridge to set. If you have pressed into a lined baking tray, remove from the fridge once set and cut into squares.

  3. Store in the fridge.



Chocolate Slice