
Chocolate Slice

Paleo, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Refined Sugar Free.

This is probably THE most requested treat in our house.  It is incredibly simple … and dangerous!  It takes me back to my childhood.  My Nan would always have chocolate slice waiting for us when we visited, and we would always have it with a cup of tea made in her stainless teapot.  My Grandad would religiously turn the teapot 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise before  pouring a cup. 

Mum and I have been looking for Nan’s recipe for years but then I stumbled across this recipe from Additive Free Lifestyle and the taste is definitely the same.  If you don’t have a problem with grains, then use this recipe, but if you do, here’s my paleofied version …

Now I am lucky enough to own a Thermomix so this is crazy easy if you use one, but if don’t, just use whatever food processor you have.


What You Need.

  • 100g almond meal

  • 40g arrowroot or tapioca

  • 2 teaspoons coconut flour (not essential, but it’s not as crumbly)

  • 120g butter, melted (or coconut oil for full paleo)

  • 110g organic rapadura or coconut sugar

  • 75g desiccated coconut

  • 15g raw cacao powder

  • 1 egg

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (gluten & aluminium free)

What To Do.

  1. Preheat oven to 180C and line baking tray.

  2. Place butter into Thermomix bowl and melt. (approx. 1-2 mins, 50deg, speed 3)

  3. Add all remaining ingredients and mix for about 5secs on speed 5 until well combined.

  4. Press into slice tray and smooth out.

  5. Bake for 15-20mins.

  6. Leave in baking tray to cool then ice with chocolate icing* and sprinkle with either coconut or sprinkles (the Hoppers ones are great for additive free).


* My fave chocolate icing for this is just a simple chocolate ganache made by melting dairy free chocolate with half the amount of coconut cream (or cream if you can have dairy) … So if you use 200g of chocolate, you would use 100g of coconut cream. Break the chocolate into small pieces then either chop finely or mill on speed 9 for a few seconds, then add your cream and melt at 50deg on speed 3 until melted (say 3-4 mins). If it’s too thick or looks like it has split, add more cream. Then just pour over your cold slice and sprinkle coconut or sprinkles on top.

Notes: make a double batch.  Trust me!


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